Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunday night night at the Johnson's

This picture is Saturday at Neal's friend Steve's Grandparents' place on the Yellowstone. Linsey came along and carried two of our birds. It was a great hunt that include calling in a red fox and then shooting o few roosters. Mom and I drove home that night with a few exciting times on the roads. The freeway at Livingston was closed except for a detour through town and then poor visibility
on home. After church I met up with Blair and Leo to head back up to Billings to spend the night before going on into North Dakota. We had a real treat waiting for us. The grand kids were there and Sally had made bean and ham soup and corn bread. It was great. While we were getting sleeping bags and beds ready, Linsey asked her Mom if she could make pancakes for the family for the next day. I went up and helped with turning the first batch and then went to bed. In the morning we found a note that said our pancakes were on the table. It made a great start to our 4:45 AM start time and pheasant hunting trip.

1 comment:

The Shaw Family said...

Dad, I'm glad you are blogging. You made Jeff and I laugh pretty hard with the pig yard hunting trip. Sounds like a lot of COLD fun. We wish we were closer to home, but are excited about our move. See you as soon as we can!
Eli's new words: watch (like wrist watch), Whoa... cool, and toot.