Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!
You are a great example of a great marriage. There are a few simple things that I think you should know are observed and appreciated:
1. You still hold hands while walking through Hibbard
2. Dad still kisses Mom when he gets home
3. Mom makes Dad's lunch for work
4. You still go for a ride to enjoy the scenery and time with each other
5. You frequent bars on Harley rides for some cokes and a good meal... at least that's what you say...
6. You still tease each other
7. At nights, Dad can be found lying on the couch with his arms folded and ankles crossed... Mom can be found in her red chair with a project on the table in front of her.
8. Mom will be the first to admit that one of the things she loves about Dad is his good looks.
9. Dad makes sure he takes Mom on plenty of dates, especially now that the kids are all gone!
10. You both still love to spend as much time as you can with family: your parents, siblings, children and grandchildren.

I hope Jeff and I can turn out just like the two of you!
~ Stacy

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